Störd människa del 2.

Bitch, you have NOTHING but fashion and other bullshit on your blog. It’s one of the most self absorbed blogs I’ve ever red, devoid of any intelligence or actual meaningful content. And that’s why I read your blog. It’s the same enjoyment I get from watching a bad reality show, the same enjoyment I get when I see a small child break its leg at the park, its schadenfreude plan and simple. And as for you “Knowing” about Che, I don’t doubt that, really I don’t. But I DO doubt WHERE you may have learned it, because little girl, watching a movie or two and a reading a wiki article doesn’t make you informed.

Haha jag orkar inte mer.. seriöst. Orkar inte bry mig. Bara kul att jag får fler besökare i statistiken. Sen att personen skämmer ut sig bland alla mina andra läsare gör det hela mycket bättre. hehe.

sara c säger:

Hahaha , "Haters make you famous" ; )

2010-12-04 | 21:54:40

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